Pilates Exercises for Beginners - Part 1
Aug 31 2023

A Step-by-Step Guide to Pilates Exercises for Beginners: Part 1

Pilates is more than just physical movements. At its core, it’s about balance. It is about balance in the effort, the time and perfection you give to transition, and how you layer your movements. It benefits your whole body and every group of muscles. So, here’s what you can do as a beginner. Just remember these Pilates class tips and begin with these Pilates exercises for beginners!


It is one of the first Pilates exercises for beginners that you will be taught early on in Pilates. Hundred is a warm-up exercise that gets your blood circulation going. Hence, this is the first exercise you learn. Here’s how you can do this movement:

  1. Bend your knees
  2. Lift your head and shoulders off the ground.
  3. Extend your arms by your side at hip height
  4. Pump your arms (between the knees and hip height) while inhaling for five counts and exhaling for five counts

You can try repeating this exercise for two to five deep breaths and build it up to ten breaths.

Pilates Exercises for Beginners - Hundred

Half Roll Down

It is the next Pilates exercise after the Hundred where you try to separate joint by joint rolling the spine down to the mat. This exercise mobilizes your back. Here are the steps to do this movement:

  1. Sit with your back in the C curve
  2. Place your hands under your knees
  3. Inhale as you roll back towards your mat until your arms straighten
  4. Hold this position and exhale as you move toward your knees, maintaining the C position

You can try repeating this exercise three to five times.

Pilates Exercises for Beginners - Half Roll Down

Ab Series

Pilates targets all muscles. There are three Pilates exercises for beginners that target abs specifically:

  1. Single Leg Stretch
  2. Double Leg Stretch
  3. Scissors

Single Leg Stretch

It is a dynamic Pilates exercise and is the first exercise in the abs series. Here’s how you can do this movement:

  1. Exhale and pull the right knee
  2. Inhale and switch to the left leg
  3. Exhale and pull the left knee

You can try eight to ten repetitions per leg.

Pilates Exercises for Beginners - Single Leg Stretch

Double Leg Stretch

It moves your entire body from your core strength. This exercise is the second exercise in the abs series. Here’s how you can do this exercise:

  1. Lay down on your back
  2. Bend your knees
  3. Pull your legs towards your chest
  4. Inhale and stretch your arms and legs up to the ceiling
  5. Exhale and squeeze your legs in using the arms

You can try repeating this exercise eight to ten times.

Pilates Exercises for Beginners - Double Leg Stretch


It is the third exercise in the abs series that strengthens your core and adds stretch to the back of your legs. It engages your abdominal muscles. Here’s how you can perform this exercise:

  1. Lay down on your back 
  2. Lift your head and shoulders
  3. Extend both legs straight to the ceiling
  4. Hold one leg from behind the thigh 
  5. Extend the left leg diagonally (like scissors)
  6. Exhale and pull the straight leg stronger to your shoulder
  7. Inhale and switch the leg
  8. Pull in the right leg similarly

You can try eight to ten repetitions per leg.

Pilates Exercises for Beginners - Scissors

Let’s Wrap Here!

If you are new to Pilates, these Pilates exercises for beginners will be a great starting point. Most of these exercises will engage your core and enhance its strengths. They will also better your posture and are great for a well-rounded Pilates routine. If you are a beginner, opt for a private session or virtual mat class. You can also book your first free trial at Pilates Lifetime!

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